Q. How do the Termguard systems work?
A. With Termguard’s uniquely designed equipment and
formulated Termite Control Agent; the system is able to deliver
a safe and equal distribution of termiticide around your home
or building. In doing so, the Termite Control Agent will repeal
and/or eradicate the termites around your home or building.
Termguard Systems distributes solution
with minimal variation. Holes are placed in the top 20% of
the pipe which are installed facing upwards. This enables
the system pipe to fill up first and then emit the solution.
These diagrams show the placement of the holes in a cross
section view.
Q. Does the home/building owner have to be present when replenishing
the termite management agent?
A. Termguard Systems are injected or replenished via external
injection points which are located in the pathway or garden
bed or landscaping of the building and are protected by a
locked child proof trap. Therefore, the home or building owner
is not required to be present at the time of replenishment
however; all inspections require full internal and external
access to the building.
Q. How often is the home/building owner required to
have the system inspected?
A. Inspections should take place once every year, whilst the
re-injection of systems on average occurs every three years
depending on systems and chemicals chosen.
Q. What happens if only one section of the perimeter
is disturbed during landscaping, construction or other means?
A. Only the section of the Termguard System which has been
disturbed needs to be retreated or re-injected, therefore
maintaining the integrity of the Termguard System and minimising
the cost to replenish the total system(s) installed at any
particular building.
Q. What happens if the Termguard System has been out
of warranty for some time due to lack of regular inspections
or not being replenished? Can the Termguard Warranty be reinstated?
A. Yes! The structure must have a full Timber Pest Inspection
& Report in accordance with local regulatory recommendations
and completed by a licensed Termguard Inspector. If the building
is found clear of any termite activity, the Termguard System
can be reinjected and the warranty reinstated as of the initial
injection date.
Q. What happens if the home/building owner wishes to raise
soil levels around the building?
A. The Termguard System can easily be adjusted and once the
disturbed section is reinjected, the Warranty will continue.
Q. What happens if a section of the Termguard System
is accidentally damaged?
A. That section can be either replaced or in the unlikely
event of a break or fracture of the pipe, the damage can be
easily repaired and the Termguard System reinstated.
Q. Does the termite management agent affect the home/building
owner's family and pets?
A. All termite management agents used in Termguard Systems
are manufactured in accordance with the highest International
and Australian specifications relating to termite management
products. They have been thoroughly tested in areas of severe
termite pressure around Australia by independent termite specialists.
All approved termite management agents by Termguard have been
approved by the National Registration Authority for Agricultural
and Veterinary Chemicals, and comply with the requirements
of Australian Standards AS 3660 Series.
Most importantly, they bring real 'peace of mind' protection
with the knowledge that it will not create health concerns
for the building owner, family or pets as there is no direct
contact at any time with the termiticide.
All termiticides used by Termguard are environmentally friendly.
Q. How are the holes in the perforated perimeter pipe kept
free from obstructions, especially construction fill?
A. By the use of Permecover - a GeoFabric non-woven mat, it
keeps the construction fill from blocking the perforated pipe.
Q. What happens if the licensed Termguard installer
is no longer in business?
A. The home / building owner will be put into contact with
other Termguard Licensed Installers in the territory. Once
another Termguard Licensed Installer is selected to maintain
the Termguard System, the installation details will be provided
to them from Termguard records.
Q. What is the depth of the system?
A. The correct placement of the 20mm perforated pipes is essential
for the Termguard System to work. The requirement for pipes
placed under the slab is different from the placement of the
Termguard Perimeter System. The 20mm perforated pipes that
are placed under the slab must be installed with at least
80% of the pipe below the finished pad level and the holes
in the pipe must be facing upwards.
The Termguard Perimeter System is installed below the finished
ground level and with a Permecover sleeve. The pipe is placed
approximately 50mm below the finished ground level and must
be within 100mm from the edge of the footing or brickwork.
The holes in the 20mm drilled pipe must also be facing upwards
for the system to deliver an equal dispersion of Termite Management
Q. Is the structural performance or integrity of slab
construction affected by the impact of the appropriate volume
of liquid when applied through Termguard systems?
A. No, the performance and integrity of the slab would not
be affected; because the maximum volume of liquid that is
put through the Termguard System at any one time never exceeds
5 litres per 1 square metre of soil area. This application
rate is equivalent to 5mm of rainfall and will only be applied
on a 3 to 5 year basis. Trials have been conducted on even
the heaviest of reactive soils and the volume applied by the
Termguard systems were insignificant to soil moisture conditions
caused by rain from season to season.
Q. Do the termite management agents effectively bind to the
target areas and not leach from the desired areas of treatment
even if subsequent wetting occurred?
A. From an environmental standpoint, Termguard systems are
the perfect choice for keeping termites out of the home or
building. The termite management agents used are insoluble
in the soil, so the barrier stays exactly where it is needed
and will not be leached away by rainfall or the water in of
lawns and gardens.
The termite management agents, approved by Termguard, for
use within the system are non-systemic, which means that garden
plants and other vegetation will not translocate the barrier
away from the treated area where it is most needed.
Q. What costs are involved in maintaining the systems?
A. The cost of maintaining the system is far outweighed by
the potential damage termite activity can cause to the home
/ building.
To maintain the warranty provided, regular Timber Pest Inspections
need to be undertaken annually and replenished every three
to five years or as recommended by your Termguard Pest Control
Q. Can the Annual Inspections or Replenishment of
Termguard Systems be carried out by the home / building owners'
choice of Pest Manager?
A. Yes! The Termguard Systems can be inspected or replenished
by a professional pest manager of your choice; however we
recommend only licensed Termguard inspector's carry out the
inspections and replenishment to sustain the warranty of your
Q. Is it difficult to audit or monitor the amount
of termite management agent dosed underground through reticulated
systems hidden beneath buildings, which could pollute the
underground water?
A. The development of current and future termite management
agents have and must continue to meet the criteria of being
stable within their environment and ensure that they bind
to the soil.
There have been NO underground water issues in relation to
the Termguard System, particularly as all Termguard Licensees
only use termite management agents which have proved stability
in relation to soil binding and water table issues and are
approved and tested by Termguard for use within the Termguard
Systems. Various new products are always being designed specifically
for treatment and reapplication through reticulated systems
and Termguard undertakes an ongoing testing program to ensure
efficacy of these termite management agents.